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What Are Customer Pain Points, And Why Do They Matter?

What Are Customer Pain Points, And Why Do They Matter?

We all have core desires. Most of us are aware of what they are. These desires are the reasons why we get out of bed in the morning. As a business owner, you should know the core desires of your customers.

Apart from core desires, we also have core pains or pain points. These are barriers that keep us from fulfilling our core desires. Do you know your customers' pain points? Can you match these core pains with a core desire? Read on to learn why understanding your customers' pain points is crucial to your success.

Content Overview

What Are Customer Pain Points?

Examples of Customer Pain Points

How to Learn Your Customer Pain Points

How to Use Customer Pain Points in Your Marketing Campaigns

Final Thoughts

What Are Customer Pain Points?

Pain points are issues or problems that your potential customers face. They are called pain points because they make life difficult for your customers. Because they make life difficult, a lot of people are willing to spend on a product or service just to get rid of them. Learning about these pain points will definitely improve your marketing methods and, ultimately, your sales. 

You need to identify your customers' pain points so you can customize your sales pitch and position your product or service as the ideal solution. You must understand these pain points to deliver your message in a way that is naturally helpful.

Examples of Customer Pain Points

Below is a discussion of the most common examples of pain points:

Productivity Pain Points

Everyone wants to use their time more effectively. It is human nature to look for ways to achieve our goals with minimal effort, and the least amount of time. 

Busy schedules, and the need for a work-life balance creates the need for simplified processes to save time. If your business is into solving this pain point, you should present it in a way that simplifies and speeds up the process. So they can spend time on more important stuff, like family and physical health routines. 

Financial Pain Points

People want to have enough resources to cover for their basic needs, the rising cost of medical expenses, and the need to have a comfortable life after retirement. So businesses in this niche offer opportunities for investments, insurance, franchise and other related activities that help people achieve financial growth. 

This pain point is also one of the most common reasons why people try to find cheaper products or services. So they save on financial resources to save for the future or be able to buy other stuff.

Health Problems

Businesses that sell supplements, medicines and health related services refer to this type of pain point in their positioning and messaging framework. People want to be healthy, and be physically fit to be able to achieve their core desires. Therefore it becomes a necessity to spend on health related solutions.

How to Learn Your Customer Pain Points

In this day and age, people use the internet to find solutions to their pain points. And as a business owner or marketer, you can easily find what people are looking for with online tools like Google, Quora, Answer the Public, review sites, and social media platforms. 

However, the best way to learn about your customers is by speaking to them personally. You will gain a deeper insight into your prospects' issues by listening. 

When asking for feedback, avoid asking yes-or-no questions. Doing so will only provide a limited understanding of your prospect's issues. The secret is to pose open-ended, in-depth qualitative questions that give you a broader perspective on the issue. This will allow you to absorb as much information as possible.

Below are some of the questions you can ask your prospects:

  • What do you do most of the day?
  • What is keeping you from achieving your objectives?
  • What are the major obstacles to expanding your business/career?

How to Use Customer Pain Points in Your Marketing Campaigns

Your customers need to know you’re aware of the difficulties they are experiencing and that you are eager to assist them in finding solutions. They will be much more receptive to your message if you let them know that they have been heard. 

But remember that people also need proof of how you have helped other people in a similar situation. So don’t forget to collect honest customer feedback, then publish them on your website and social media accounts.


Recognizing and addressing your customers' pain points gives you a tremendous advantage. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to providing the optimal solution, even if some customer pain points seem similar. The trick is to pay attention to your customers and tailor your response to each one.

Align your sales and marketing efforts by knowing your customers. There’s a free tool you can use to discover more about your website visitors - to make meaningful conversations early on. Try the Website Content Engager.

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